Lost In Space Expedition

Most of the time, the DSN expeditions are planned well in advance, and are designed to accommodate a large number of participants. A circuit is carefully planned. Each waypoint is scheduled at a specific date, with planned activities. These expeditions generally extend over a fairly long period of time and a long distance.

However, the DSN is also open to the spontaneity and creativity of its members.

Thus from time to time a member wishes to launch a smaller expedition, not necessarily offering a detailed tour or planning, and more limited in number of participants.

This is how in July 3304, the **CMDR Rexilius** proposed the **Lost In Space Expedition**, aimed at getting to the mega-ship Zurara, in the Formidine Rift.

Let him present his expedition….


Photo by CMDR Rexilius

One day, a band of tricksters decided to go away from the hassle of the human bubble, so was born the Lost In Space Expedition. The purpose of this perilous journey, go see the Zurara, one of the lost mega ships at thousands of years of light of the bubble, and this, without a headache!


Photo by CMDR Max Ter


Photo by CMDR Jethro49

  Their goal reached, it was already time for our valuable explorer to return to the bubble, because another expedition, more massive, was waiting for them!

Photo by CMDR Rexilius

  Member of the Expedition:

  • Rexilius
  • Max Ter
  • Kaokki
  • Sokenji
  • Jethro49
  • Alistair Hope
  • Boblaraclooze
  • Philibert