Anemones genus

CMDR Alistair Hope, Anemone, Heart Sector DL-Y e7, 7


Despite their name, these organic structures more closely resemble the shells of sea urchins. These organic structures can tolerate a wide range of temperatures and are able to absorb energy from nearby stars.

Minimum distance between two genetic samples: 100 m

Conditions of occurrence

  • Parent Star: types O, B more rarely A
  • Planets types: planets with no atmosphere. Have been found punctually on planets with thin atmospheres (confirmed on thin Sulfur Dioxide).

Colored variants


The different types of anemones depend on the type of planet, the type of star and the luminosity class of the star (information available in the system map):

Star Class
+ Luminosity
Metal-Rich / HMCRockyRocky Ice / Icy
OPrasinus/Prasinum BioluminescentPrasinus/Prasinum BioluminescentPuniceus/Puniceum
B I, B II, B IIIRoseus/Roseum BioluminescentRoseus/Roseum
B IV, B VBlattinus/Blatteum BioluminescentLuteus/Luteolum
B VI, A IIIRubens/Rubeum BioluminescentCroceus/Croceum